Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mailbox Monday (A little late)

Okay been away for a while. I have been trying promote the blog so I have been signing up for blog tour. Well it seems I signed up for quite a few .So I have been reading a lot more and everything else is taking a back set to make sure I am ready for the tours.
I did win some books from Goodreads and Blogs.
From Goodreads I won
And from Blogs( Sorry I don't remember which ones ) I won

After all the tours I am going to sit down and read all of these so exspect reviews for them in the months to come.

1 comment:

  1. You have a new friend from Book Blogs! ::Following you!::

    My blog is KimberlysKozyKorner.blogspot.com. If you want to drop by and give me feedback (Maybe even follow me?) That would be awesome!

